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Asian Style Scrambled Eggs

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  1. Whisk eggs and egg whites together in a bowl. Season with pepper and soy sauce.

  2. Heat 1 tsp. of sesame oil in a pan over medium-low heat. Add the mixed veggies and 1 tbsp. of water. Season with salt and pepper and cook for 4-5 minutes until tender. Transfer onto a plate.

  3. Add egg mixture to a pan and swirl to coat the base. Cook without stirring for 30 seconds. Using a wooden spoon, push the set eggs to the outer edge and the raw eggs to the centre.

  4. Gently push the eggs around the pan every 15 seconds until set. Sprinkle with the sesame seeds.

  5. Remove from heat and serve with the prepared vegetables — top with fresh coriander and additional sesame seeds, to serve.